Saturday, March 13, 2010

What to do on a Rainy & Dreary Day?

After a long winter, spring is almost here.  Michigan recently experienced a couple of sunny 65 degree days.  But true to Michigan weather (wait a moment and it will change), the temperature dropped 20 degrees today and it rained or misted all day.  So what to do on such a rainy and dreary day?

My first inclination was to stay indoors to train the dogs where I would remain warm and dry.   But the dogs needed to get outdoors.  My second thought was to at least take them to local pet stores where I could socialize and train them amongst distractions.  However,  I recently started a new fitness program with Jt McClough, a professional fitness coach, nine time IronMan finisher as well as a professional dog trainer.  And, neither option would offer them nor I any benefit.  So off we ventured into the cold wet misty air.  (I'll save the trips to the pet stores for really windy and stormy days.)

It's interesting how much perception is a big part of our days.  It wasn't that long ago that I was putting on a ski jacket, gloves and a hat to enjoy snowy walks with the dogs in freezing temperatures.  Now that the snow has melted and the air has warmed, I almost choose not to go for walks today because of a little rain.

Well a little clarification, the morning walk was to help a client with her dog so that wasn't an option to go or not.  However, the afternoon walk was up for grabs until I asked the dogs what we should do.  As you can guess, they voted for the walk in the mist.  Because, we didn't see many others outdoors, it was an awesome peaceful and quiet day.  We had loads of fun walking together and it always delights me to see the joy on their faces that a little walk can give them.   It was during this walk that I realized "life and the choices we make are all about perception."

As we walked past the Canton Summit Recreational facility, the dogs and I looked at the humans exercising indoors on the treadmills and stationary bicycles.  It was a funny sight to look through the zoo like glass cage and see the humans running in place.  I wondered if the dogs were curious as to why the other humans weren't enjoying the outdoors or were they feeling sorry for the humans.   I'd like to think it was a little both and could imagine them thinking, "silly humans, won't you come out and play?".

Today was a rainy and dreary day and yet it was a wonderful happy day.  If you're tempted to stay indoors because of a little rain, just ask your dog what you should do and you'll have your answer.  Your dreary day will turn into a bright sunny day.

If you would like to venture out into the great outdoors for walks with your dog but need help with training your dog to walk nicely on a loose leash, contact Michael Burkey a professional dog trainer.  He has a new fun class entitled, "Outdoor Adventures" which is held in southeast Michigan.

1 comment:

SitK9Sit said...

Great post.... it's a amazing the perspective you can get on life by dong something different. Go out in the rain.

Fresh air, exercise... and then of course coming back in to nice and warm and refreshed body and mind.
