Sunday, June 6, 2010

May 2010 "Where's Your Dog" Contest Winner is Echo!

Echo, a sable German Shepherd Dog belonging to Terri Goldstrom wins the honor of "Where's Your Dog" contest for the month of May, 2010.  Terri and Echo honored the past and present troops by walking in a Memorial Day Parade.  Upon conclusion of the walk, Echo loaded the Huey helicopter and performed a wonderful sit stay.

Terri formerly trained her Doberman to track with Michael Burkey's Canine Behavioral Training.  Now she is teaching dog obedience classes in Western Michigan.  Terri purchased Echo from Von der Haus Gill German Shepherds, a Police Dog training facility located in Ohio who import their dogs from Germany.

Congrats again to Terri and Echo!  Thanks for honoring the troops!